Finding Funding for Your Film Projects

It can feel like one of the most significant hurdles in filmmaking is securing adequate financial backing for your projects. While it is possible for some folks to self-finance, apply for bank loans, locate individual investors, or borrow money from friends and family in order to fund their films, even those sources can run dry – and more often than not, they may not exist in the first place.…
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Creating Lifestyle Content on Trail

Most people would probably consider a backpacking trip an opportunity to shake off the duties of work and enjoy a little downtime with Mother Nature – cell phones turned off, computers powered down, and hammocks securely fastened. Other people know that time spent on trail offers the perfect chance to snap photos, shoot film, and engage in storytelling – in other words, create “content.”…
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Tighten Up Your Interview Techniques

Interviews are often a key part of documentary-style filmmaking. Speaking with an expert or other person with intimate knowledge of the film’s main subject area can add substance, depth, and credibility to your film. Of course, if your project focuses on one specific person or group of people, capturing their thoughts and reflections is a key part of the narrative process itself.…
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The Drone Commandments

Unmanned aerial vehicle, unmanned aerial system, quadcopter, drone: no matter what you call it, when you add a camera to this high-flying gadget, you open up endless possibilities to elevate the filmmaking experience. A drone offers flexibility to shoot angles and areas you’d otherwise never have access to, and well-done aerial shots can lend a gorgeous, cinematic quality to your work.…
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Finding Fresh Ideas in the New Year

There’s no shortage of discussions about making resolutions and setting goals come January, but each new year also offers the chance to dream up fresh ideas – and an opportunity to work toward bringing them to life. Here are our tips for channeling your creativity to generate an explosion of ideas that might just lead to your next project.…
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Location Permitting 101

Surely you’ve heard some variation of the phrase “It’s easier to beg forgiveness than ask for permission.” However, professional (and hopefully personal) ethics dictate the opposite when it comes to filming on property that doesn’t belong to you. Since it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when it comes to navigating red tape and paperwork, we decided to break down the nuts and bolts of location permitting to help you prepare for asking permission – and increase your odds of receiving it.…
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Invest In Yourself

“Get the inside right and the outside will fall into place. – Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now This doesn’t mean that once you focus on you the rest of your success will simply fall into your lap, it means invest in yourself because you are a platform for which all else will rise.…
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