2013COBC_0418Hi Everyone, this page will be an ongoing resource for our meetings and discussions. If we’ve forgotten anything, let us know!




Google Hangout 1/5/16 – Story Development

Thanks so much for the call  last night. We’re looking forward to working with you to develop your ideas further! Notes and link to the information we discussed are below! If you’re looking for a specific section, we’ve linked the timecodes below in the agenda for you.



  • 3 Act Structure (PDF)
  • Brainstorming Methods (PDF)
  • The Building Blocks for Story. (click the below images to view full image)

kmweiland4The Shapes of Story


Seven Steps to a Perfect Story

Whats next? 

Pre-production mtg 1/12 @7:30PM PST

  • The Hook. What makes you want to keep watching in the first 1-2 mins?
  • Discuss group story ideas
  • Treatment. What it is and how to write one


  1. Hook: Find an example of a hook from your favorite gear sponsor films (i.e. Patagonia, North Face, etc.) and determine if it is a strong hook or a weak hook  and why?
  2. Brainstorming: Time to put the pen to the paper and write out your brainstorming ideas, whether it be a visual brainstorming image (photo/pdf) or a document, make sure you have something to discuss at the next meeting.


If you complete brainstorming, here’s a preview of the next step.

Google Hangout 01/12/15 – Visualization & Cinematography Basics

Smaller class in our last session, but after chatting with you at various points, everyone is in a similar place. GOOD NEWS! Whether or not it feels like it, you’re on the right track.

Writing & story development can be difficult – especially when learning a new technique or skill. If you have felt unsure, bogged down, or not sure how this is going to come together, you’re in the right place. That is part of the process. Like all great ideas, most don’t come with instant clarity. They are crafted and honed over time. It’s a clay block needing to be shaped. This is why we continually ask you what your story is.

The process of writing it and saying it will continue to sharpen and refine your idea. So tell your friends, your family, or a random stranger who asks about your day. Practice. Remember – The art of creating, is a muscle that must be developed and exercised. Only then does it become easier. The KEY and most important thing is to continue pushing. What you’re writing now, even if it will be thrown out or is a muddled mess — it is the way forward. So keep going. You’re doing the exact-right-thing. To add more food for thought, take a look at the talk by Austin Kleon below.

We discussed visualization & cinematography basics. This is the foundation for where we are heading, and how you will evolve your story into a film. Don’t be too overwhelmed with all that’s said here. We will continue to review these concepts. Right now, familiarize yourself with the terms and start studying films. Steal like an artist.


  • Getting Coverage
    • Shot Sequence. Shooting for the Edit
      • CU hands – WHAT is happening
      • CU face – WHO is doing it (show both eyes)
      • Wide – WHERE it’s happening
      • OTS – link the three previous
      • Unusual, side/low – story-specific context
  • Sequence formulas.
    • Establisher: W, M, CU
    • Establisher: M, CU, W
    • Reveal: CU, W or Medium
    • Match on Action
    • Reaction
    • Same Frame
    • Perspective Shift
  • Rules of Thumb
    • 30-45 degree shots
    • 180 degree rule
    • Rule of thirds
    • 10 second rule
  • Homework
    • Written treatment due by Tues. Jan. 19th
      (emailed to us)
    • Shoot 5 shot sequence & edit it – private link on YouTube/Dropbox

Films Referenced:




We will check-in this week for updated progress. Send us drafts as you have them.

Google Hangout 10/19/16 – Script, Shotlist, Storyboard


Next week is the final meet up before heading into the field! We will be going over gear lists, reviewing shot list/storyboard progress, scouting and tying up any other loose ends.

Google Hangout – Pre-production Wrap Up



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