About the Course
Adventure Film School is back for another incredible year at the Adventure Film Festival. Inspired by Jonny Copp’s vision to Make Your Own Legends, we’ve packed this year’s workshop with more hands-on sessions to get you out there telling stories.
Whether you are a past attendee or a new one, this two-day workshop has a new format focused on collaboration with fellow workshop attendees and connecting you with notable filmmakers ready to share what they know.
In addition to information packed sessions, experience a portfolio or project review, and work side by side with an AFS filmmaker to plan, shoot, and edit a 1-2 minute film. Adventure Film School offers a unique way to gain crew experience, build industry connections, and create a short film while being supported by your mentors.

What to Expect
Spend a weekend immersing yourself in all things adventure film. Learn filmmaking & storytelling techniques with industry pros & then watch films in the evening at the Boulder Adventure Film Festival.

What to Bring
For lectures, you just need yourself and optionally a pen/notepad.
For the pitch/feedback session, our panel of pros will review anything you’d like feedback on. This could range from your website, portfolio, reel, a personal project, images, or even an idea you’d like to practice pitching. We will have access to the internet. If you have files, bring a thumbdrive or computer.
For the fast film session, a camera, tripod, and audio kit would be helpful. You will be working in a group of 2-3. If you do not have any of these items, no problem. You can share and/or we will have a limited number available for use.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Join us for 2 days for all things adventure film. We highly recommend attending the Adventure Film Festival to get the full experience. The workshop + festival price includes tickets to both Saturday & Sunday films.
Registration conditions apply.
The start to your adventure film weekend starts with hello! Introduce yourself, get the lay of the land for the festival + workshop and meet your fellow filmmakers.
Nasa KoskiLiving the Dream
Adventure filmmakers are always on the go - it's part of the adventure we're all drawn too. But dreamy travel gigs can soon turn into not enough sleep, high stress, and burnout. Award winning filmmaker and photographer Jame Q Martin will share his experience & insights from traveling extensively to more than 30 countries, spanning six continents, documenting the stories of world-class athletes, artists, conservationists, filmmakers, and scientists who inspire him. Learn the good, the bad, and the ugly in keeping the dream alive.
James Q MartinHow to Build a Filmmaking Career Without Owning a Camera
Jordan Halland is an award winning filmmaker who has made his career working for everyone from Canon to K2, but for most of his career he didn’t have a camera of his own. In this class Jordan will walk you though his career and how to avoid getting bogged down in the gear so you can focus on the most important element of your film: the story.
Jordan HallandDominate as a One Person Film Crew
Learn how to survive and thrive as a one-person film crew, led by award-winning Travel Video Journalist Juliana Broste (aka “TravelingJules”). While filmmaking is often thought of as being a team sport, there are advantages and challenges to being a solo filmmaker. Listen in as Jules shares stories from the road, detailing her work as a producer, shooter, writer, editor and host, all in one. Come one, come all, and get ready to harness the power of one.
Juliana BrostePortfolio Review / Pitching Session
We can't wait for you to meet our panelist of adventurers, filmmakers, photographers, and creators. They will listen and provide you with feedback and advice on a portfolio piece that you wish to share. Each participant will have the opportunity to stand before the class to share a recent project, film, photo, or pitch. Bring 1 portfolio piece on a hard drive or flash drive (this can be a film or even a film idea, photos, your film reel, or some sort of portfolio piece). In order to give everyone a chance to show their work or pitch an idea, video pieces will be limited to 2 min max play time. It can be short or we can start/stop playing from your preferred timestamp.
Claudia Lopez, Jim Aikman, Juliana Broste, Amy MarquisFrom Script to Screen
In this workshop, Jim will discuss the basics of the scripting process from pre-production through delivery. Get some practical advice you can apply ot any shoot -- including your film on Sunday. The class will view sample videos and perform exercises to chart and understand their narrative arc from the page and onto the screen.
Jim AikmanThe Filmmaker-Subject Relationship
Since stepping fully into filmmaking in 2011, Amy Marquis has cultivated close and lasting relationships with dozens of documentary subjects. Two years ago, she took that filmmaker-subject relationship to a whole new level when she began making a feature documentary about a traumatic and unresolved story that has defined her boyfriend's life for the last 26 years. Through her hard-earned lessons, you will learn about the magic that happens when we differentiate the stories we tell ourselves from the actual stories unfolding in front of (and behind) the camera, and how to ensure that one person's story can serve as a road map for all.
Amy MarquisTBA
What's Next
We'll close the day with some notes for tomorrow and send you off to enjoy the rest of the festival events.
Nasa KoskiFast Film Fury!
Today you'll have the full experience of planning, shooting, and editing a fast film in 1DAY!
Michael Brown | Jim Aikman | Juliana Broste | Nasa KoskiPreproduction - Storytelling & Brainstorming Session
Break down what it means to create a story from thin air. How does our filmmaking mentors brainstorm ideas and thoughts? You'll be working in small teams of 2-3 with one of our Adventure Filmmaking Mentors. Work with this team to break down what it is you are going to film, who has what job, and an overall goal.
Michael Brown | Jim Aikman | Juliana Broste | Nasa KoskiProduction - Adventuring + Filmmaking in Downtown Boulder
Explore downtown boulder to actually film that idea you just brainstormed. Ask and lean on your mentor for advice and shooting techniques. Tips for the day - Practice a new film skill you haven't practiced before - always the cameraman? Try sound! Developing the experience now will help launch you to the next step and don't be afraid to try something new.
Michael Brown | Jim Aikman | Juliana Broste | Nasa KoskiPost Production - Edit your film!
Return from your outing with the opportunity to download and learn how to make a fast edit. Learn a different way to organize your footage. Freshen up on syncing audio. Ask those nitty-gritty editing questions while you have the mentor at your fingertips.
Michael Brown | Jim Aikman | Juliana Broste | Nasa KoskiMini Film Festival
Finalize this day by showing your finished film to the class! All staff, instructors and speakers will provide feedback - congrats & welcome to the world of adventure filmmaking!
Michael Brown | Jim Aikman | Juliana Broste | Nasa KoskiMeet The Team
Jordan Halland
Amy Marquis
Director / Producer
James Q Martin
Photographer + Filmmaker
Claudia Lopez
Juliana Broste
Host / Video Journalist
Nasa Koski
Director of Photography
Michael Brown
Director of Photography
Jim Aikman