“By midweek, I can’t focus on my duties at work, and spend most of my time on Summitpost and Mountain Project,” writes Niki Yoblonski. “There are so many things in the world I want to see–so many mountains to climb, things to discover. I have to get out of there.” Yet, inevitably, Sunday evening has her praying for the trailhead, a burger and a soft bed. Niki’s theory on achieving the work-outdoor life balance? Just turn the hourglass.
You can find more of Niki’s work at: TheMilesTickAway.squarespace.com. And you can listen to her previous Short, “By Slim Chance.”
This episode reposted by permission from our friends at The Dirtbag Diaries. For more great episodes, visit them at dirtbagdiaries.com.